Fuel Your Pet
Fuel the Planet
Fuel Good has partnered with Pollinator Partnership to help introduce safe, new habitats to save the bees!

Did You Know?
Bee populations have decreased 50%+ in the last 75 years, even though they are a crucial part of food production globally.1 And up to 90% of human nutrition is reliant on pollination by bees.2
Sources: 1. Save the Bees, 2. Center for Food Safety

How We Help
Fuel Good wants to fuel pets, pet parents, and the planet alike. We are helping to put power back in your hands by planting wildflowers with every Fuel Good purchase, reintroducing safe, new habitats for bees around the world.

We are working with Pollinator Partnership: the largest organization in the world dedicated exclusively to the protection and promotion of pollinators and their ecosystems.
Visit Pollinator Partnership
Want to do more to save the bees?
Here are other ways you can help our shared mission!
How can I help save the bees and other pollinators from home?
- The number one thing pollinators need is more habitat. Help create great pollinator habitat using the Pollinator Partnerships’s Ecoregional Planting Guides!
- Brainstorm designs for your pollinator habitat using Pollinator Partnership’s Garden Recipe Cards
- Not sure how to create a pollinator garden? Check out P2’s guide on How to create a pollinator garden.
- Teach others about the importance of bees and other pollinators. P2’s Why Pollinators webpage is a great place to start!
- Take the training and become a Certified Pollinator Steward!
Can I still plant wildflowers if I live in an apartment/do not have a yard?
Your space can provide support to pollinators and other wildlife – no lawn, garden, balcony, or window box is too small! Visit Bee Friendly Gardening to learn more.
How does Fuel Good work with Pollinator Partnership?
Fuel Good is working with Pollinator Partnership to make donations which go directly to planting new habitats for pollinators. For every bag of Fuel Good sold, consumers are helping contribute to this cause and have wildflowers planted across the nation!